Its the journey, not the destination! While beautiful gardens are inherently nice to look at, it’s a bit hard to understand what goes into the final product sometimes. Here are some “before” and “during” photos that show some of the process.
A mid-process “after” view.
“Before,” though already partially cleared.
“Rock and Roll!” (Sound on)After the more dangerous and failing alders were cut we had a great amout of wood at our disposal for sculptural integration, and mushroom cultivation. Mushroom inoculation day with myco-superstar Laura Kennedy and Earth Ecology team Kyle Schwartz and Tashana Mithen. Just as we thought we were finished with the earthworks for this front yard slope, we discovered a 20’ x 20’ slab of asphalt underneath the roots of this giant doug fir tree, extending into the entire hill. Like archeologists, we carefully extracted every piece of asphalt from the soils, releasing the land from this toxic sufficating mask. Now the garden thrives.
Half cleared on the left (note steep erosion cut at the bottom!)The “Bowl,” eventually transformed into a fantastic lattice of branch and plant. Branches, roots, ivy, oh my!The ivy of this slope would grow into the road, held by only by persistent car tires.Multiple dump trailer loads later, our invasives were hauled off.