Nick Lake:

Founder of Earth Ecology, Lead Designer, & Project Manager
I identify most as an interdisciplinary artist. I love creating immersive, interactive, sculptural installations, and that love evolved to include the craft of building biological, ecologically regenerative "sculptures" that might otherwise be called farms and gardens. I’m get quite exuberent when it comes to ecology, botany, water, biology, and the future at large. I tend to view the world at a 2000 year time scale. I love cultivating relationships with new plants in their native habitats. I’m a self-proclaimed Oak devotee. 
Born and raised in San Diego, CA, I have been traversing the entire West Coast my whole life, studying the diverse ecosystems, and the effects of climate and water on the broader environment. 
Adjacaent to garden craft, I regularly practice painting, music making, sculpture, mask carving, website design, graphic design, and life design with my wife Emily and our son Aiden. 
See more art at

 OR LCB #9872; WA# Earthel843J2